Now that I have all my "big person" intials on the tree, it's time to start hunting for the "little kids":*~:*~Their's will have to be Super Special, cuz They are Super Special:*~:*~:*~:*~:*~
I couldn't find their matching initials but, then I thought later "why didn't I just use their nicknames?" DUH Nana!
So this is another tree of mine in my hubby's "man land". :*~:*~ Very traditional and standard just for him! Of course I get to decorate all of them but, I try to keep in mind his need and wants.......he has a couple smaller ones in another corners that I will show you on the grand tour! (One is a very strange color, yes stranger than pink.)
So Wayne and Foo what do you think now that you are official? My two sons, No matter what, always part of my family.....You guy make me proud.
I just got hit with a nasty "bug" and am a little under the weather. I am pretty sure it's due to all the unpacking of Christmas stuff, allergies!! Well I am crossing my fingers any way cuz I haven't had my flu shot yet!
Where are you in your holiday decorating?